Category: Announcements

MSCC Gold Day 2022

MSCC Annual Golf Tournament 2024

Date:               Thursday 26th September 2024

Venue:            Kirtlington Golf Club

Format:           Three or Fourball Stableford

Time:               Light Lunch from 12.15pm

                        Tee off from 1.20pm

                        Drinks & Presentation to follow

Cost £45.oo

All welcome, clear your diaries and tell

Howard Lancaster that you can play!

[email protected]

07734 563006

Middleton Stoney Flag at half-mast

RIP Graeme Delaney

Graeme Delaney

The service for Graeme Delaney will take place at 2pm on Wednesday July 10th.

ALL are invited.

The service will be at 2pm at Middleton Stoney Church followed by a ‘Match Tea’ at the nearby Middleton Cricket Club pavilion, the club at which Graeme played many cricket matches.

It is with great sadness that I share the news of the passing of our former player, Graeme Delaney.

Graeme was the headmaster at Pattison School, part of the Chatsworth Schools group, where he was also Director of Education. He first played for Middleton Stoney in 2015.

Playing cricket alongside Graeme was a real privilege. He once returned from holiday and came to support us with his wife, Anita.

After discovering we only had 10 players, Graeme insisted on playing, and Anita went to fetch his whites to make sure we had 11.

That was typical of Graeme, who set a fine example on and off the field and was a great teammate and club member.

Graeme celebrated his 60th birthday at the club with a magnificent birthday/cricket tea, including champagne for all. Above all, I’ll always remember his fielding – throwing himself about like he was still in his twenties and showing those far younger than himself how it should be done.

Graeme was a man who gave his all, lived life to the fullest, and was incredibly proud of setting a high standard in everything he did. He will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him, and I, along with many others, feel fortunate to have shared some time with him on the cricket pitch.

Mark Ford-Langstaff

Pre-season clean up at Middleton Stoney Cricket Club

Pre-season Preparation: Your Club Needs You!

This Saturday (April 6th) is our annual pre-season preparation day. We need your help! There are lots of jobs to be done and the more of us there are, the quicker we will be done. Official start time is 11:30 but some people are starting earlier at around 10:00. Here’s a selection of the jobs that need doing:

  • Benches move outside ( already oiled and brasses polished).
  • Set out and tidy/clean inside pavilion
  • Clear leaves from guttering and toilet roof (ideally with a blower if anyone has one?)
  • Clean windows of pavilion inside/out
  • Take cover off scorebox
  • Move sight screens into position and clean as required
  • Layout boundary rope (it’s inside the scorebox)
  • Weed paved area in front of pavilion
  • Put the flag up
  • Put Parking /speeding signs on corner and along drive
  • Clear debris and mow grass in front of pavilion, with hand rotary mower. Wash/wipe down the toilet doors

And finally if there is anything else you notice needs doing, please just do it!

Please be advised by Willy regarding what is required on the playing area, and use the appropriate equipment carefully. Early season damage can take a long time to repair.

Both the Skipper and Chairman will not be around, we have put in our hours in the weeks leading up to this.

Thank you!
The Committee

Kebabs with Kerkhof

MSCC Pre Season Meal 2024 – April 4th

MSCC Pre Season Meal 2024

Tandoori with Timothy

Thursday 4th April 2024 – 7pm – £30 per person

Shakil’s Restaurant
94 Sheep Street
OX26 6LP

Pappadums and Pickles
Mixed Selection of Starters
Main meal of your choice (not King Prawn)
served with rice and naan breads
Plenty of vegetarian options available

To book your places please confirm with Simmo and pay into the MSCC bank account in the usual way Ref: MEAL

[email protected]

Sort Code: 51 70 15
MSCC Account: 01820028


MSCC AGM 2023 7th Dec

The 2023 MSCC AGM will be held at 7pm on 7th December 2023 at the Middleton Stoney Village Hall.

The village hall will be accessible from 6:45pm to allow for a prompt start.

There will be no remote joining option, apologies.

The agenda is below and your attendance, votes and contributions are always appreciated by the committee.


  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of the 2022 AGM Minutes, held on 13.12.2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Reports
    a. Treasurer’s Report – See attached
    b. Captain’s Report
    c. Fixtures Secretary Report
  5. Election of Officers – Committee Recommendations
  6. Any Other Business
MSCC Photo of the Year 2023 Matt Dipple

MSCC Awards 2023

What a fantastic evening. The food was exceptional, service fantastic and the awards deserved.

Batsman’s award – Tim Riley
Bowlers award – Seril Shah,
Newcomer of the year- Anirudh Sharma
Young player of the year – James Lyon
Catch of the year – Stevyn Jackson,
Champagne moment – Howard Lancaster caught Paul Wordsworth bowled Finlay Moss,
Michael Martin Photography Award- Matt Dipple (above)
Captains award – Seril Shah
Presidents Cup – Paul Wordsworth.

A great evening, thank you everyone who attended, and get well soon for those who couldn’t make it.

Pete VanDe Kerkhof

MSCC pre-season dinner

MSCC Annual Dinner 2023

End of Season Dinner

Date:                 Friday 29th September 2023

Venue:              Middleton Stoney Cricket Pavilion

Time:                7.00pm


Corn fed Chicken and Truffle Terrine, pickled mushrooms, tarragon mayonnaise

Honey Roast Pork Tenderloin, Pommes Puree, Butternut Squash, Sage and Amaretti

Salted Chocolate Mousse, Honeycomb, Caramel Ice Cream

Cost £35.oo per person which includes a drink on arrival, wine at dinner and much amusement.

Annual Awards will also be presented during the evening.

So if you think you may be in with a chance, book a ticket ASAP…spaces will be limited.

Please make payment in advance on the MSCC bank account, reference “Dinner 2023”.

RSVP to our Social Secretary, Simmo

[email protected]

07775 782315

Middleton Stoney Flag at half-mast

RIP Paul Turney

It is with great sadness that we have to report the sudden death of Paul Turney, one of our longest serving Vice Presidents.

Many will know Paul as Chairman and Managing Director of Turney Group (formerly P A Turney Ltd), roles which he only recently relinquished. The company is based in Middleton Stoney where it was founded in 1948 by Paul’s late father Peter. The company recently held an event in Middleton Stoney to celebrate its 75th Anniversary and Paul took a full part at that occasion.

Within the village Paul was a supporter and benefactor although, typically, he never sought publicity. Although never a great cricket watcher, he was always interested in our activities and he and his company have assisted us down the years in many practical ways.

The company is probably one of the largest suppliers of agricultural equipment in the south of England so it is hardly surprising that Paul had a very wide range of clients, most of whom he could count among his friends. He was a true country gentleman.

He will be sadly missed by all of his family and indeed the wider farming community and we too extend our heartfelt sympathies.