Category: News

rainbow over middleton stoney cricket club

Pre-season dates for the diary

Jon O’Neill, our Social Secretary, has organised indoor nets at Edgbaston on the afternoon of Saturday, 24 March.

Outdoor nets will take place at our ground, 6-7pm every Wednesday in April and May, starting on 4 April.

Jon has set the evening of Friday 6 April for a pre-season social event at the Ben Jonson.

Dr Nick Thompson, grounds manager, has organised the annual Spring clean of the pavilion and ground to start on the morning of Saturday 7 April. Please don’t leave it to others and do your bit for the club.

MSCC pre-season dinner

MSCC Thank You Tea 2017

Yesterday afternoon (Saturday) in a wonderful little venue tucked away in deepest Bletchingdon, a Tabernacle gathered for the annual MSCC Thank You Tea. 

Our hosts were Lucy & Carl of The Batch Cafe, Green Farm. Who  produced a superb cream tea and the odd slice of “sublime cake”, concurring  with the Social Sec & Simon Pettit’s reconnaissance report. More importantly, Yorkshire Tea was on tap –  which we all know is the only beverage one serves when the talk is cricket and there was plenty in the tank! 

It was great so many Tea Makers were able to attend our annual jolly, including: 3 generations of the Cranston family, Catie Williams jetting in from Oz and Jeannie Martin. Thanks to our Captain Jeannie had a preview of the prestigious Michael Martin Trophy and our Chairman provided a batch of photos from this and previous seasons for all to look over. 

One final mention must go to Julia Davenport, who not only attended the tea but very kindly made the bill vanish in a puff of warm scone crumbs…

Once again on behalf of the MSCC Committee, Playing Members and our always contented opposition, THANK YOU, Tea Makers, for the outstanding teas we have enjoyed this season which have been simply, simply lovely! 

Jonathan O’Neill 

MSCC pre-season dinner

End of Season Dinner 2017

Yesterday (Saturday) saw the final act of the 2017 MSCC season with the annual players dinner and awards presentation. Jon O’Neill organised a wonderful evening. Play opened with a chicken liver pate, followed by a classic and well presented fish and chips, provided by Pollocks Event Catering and ending with a selection of cheeses and port. Conversation and drink flowed and all enjoyed themselves.

The award ceremony had a new twisted this year which saw trophies replaced with boundary flags, which can live in lawns/vases during the winter before returning to the boundary at Middleton Park for the new season, stirring  up trepidation in the opposition (or at least something like that). The new awards seemed well received and their effect will be measured next year.

Again thanks to Jon for organising the whole evening, thanks to Simon Lee for organising the award ceremony, thanks to Tim House and Simon Pettit for the drinks contributions, and a especially thank you to the Davenports for covering the rest of the drinks. 

So to the end of another thrilling MSCC season, the pavilion is closed down, cricket kit is back in the cupboard, back come Sundays with the family with (mostly) pleased partners, and planted are the seeds of aspirations for the 2018 season. See you next year!

Tim Cranston


Middleton Stoney Cricket Club Annual Golf Tournament 2017

12 intrepid golfers sat down to soup and sandwiches at Kirtlington GC today, as they contemplated their chances of winning the Smiploss Tankard.

This has been contested annually at the end of the cricket season and the name amalgamates previous MSCC captains  SMITH,PLANT & ROSS.

Glorious sunshine encouraged our play and it seemed to help as no fewer than 9 golfers scored over 30 points.

The battle for top spot was between Tim House (previous winner) and Howard Lancaster, who was making his debut in the competition.

In the event, the debutant triumphed with 42 points, Tim close behind on 39.

Tim came away with a prize however, as he just beat Sathya Vadivale for the longest drive on the 18th hole.

Your author surprisingly won nearest the pin on the 16th.

The Bar welcomed us for prize presentations and alcoholic refreshment.

Roll on 2018!

Nick Thompson

Editor: Well organised, Nick. An excellent day appreciated by us all

Middleton Stoney Cricket Club Pavilion

Pre-season Clean Up Day – 8th April 2017

I’m sure you have all started spring cleaning (in response to the brief spell of sunshine), and our dear ground and pavilion require our services as well.

1st game  Sunday 23rd April

Easter in the way, Sat April 15th

So the clean up day is set for SATURDAY 8th April   10am start

Just get it in the diaries !   Plenty to do !    (Job list will be circulated beforehand)

Nick Thompson


Middleton Stoney CC Golf Day 2016

Kirtlington Golf Club welcomed 14 intrepid Cricketers to compete for the Smiploss Tankard (an amalgam of previous skippers Smith, Plant and Ross).

The weather was splendid, the course behaved itself and so did the players. 

Various prizes were on offer – the longest drive on the 18th was hotly contested with a number of mighty blows, some unfortunately leaving the fairway or entering the clubhouse patio. Richard Simpson managed to clear the central bunker to claim a bottle of finest Red.

Nearest the Pin on the 16th was challenging for most, but Mike Richards thought he was the comfortable winner until Tim Cranston’s effort cannoned off the green marker ending up closer to the pin !  Another bottle of Red back to the Bar manager !

Scoring generally was pretty good, with 8 players scoring 30 or more points.  3 stalwarts had 37 points, Jon O’Neill had 38 and the winner for the second year in succession and therefore retaining the Smiploss tankard was Sathya Vadivale with 42 points.

The handicap committee was obviously far too lenient this year so severe penalties will be applied next year !

9 of us dined on Roast Pork followed by Apple & Pear Crumble with the obligatory custard !

Roll on 2017…….

Nick Thompson

MSCC Golf tournament 2015 Report

MSCC Golf Tournament 2015 Report

The Annual MSCC Golf tournament took place at Kirtlington GC on Friday 2nd October in glorious Autumn weather.

9 competitors were battling for the SMIPLOSS trophy (there are components of previous captains in the naming of said trophy!) and the Handicap Committee was particularly active this year. Unfortunately 1 entrant escaped their surveillance as he won the competition with a total of 41 points, a good 5 points clear of the field!

Well played Sathya, an excellent round and we look forward to you defending the trophy next year. As ever, the Handicap Committee are now well informed.

Ale and wine accompanied the Roast Pork and Apple Crumble and we thank Kirtlington GC for their excellent hospitality as always.