Category: Announcements

Middleton Stoney Flag at half-mast

RIP Julia Davenport

Dear all,

It is with heavy heart I inform you of the death of Julia Davenport, the loving wife of our late President Ian, mother of our current President Nick and grandmother to one of our young players Max.

Julia and Ian took ownership of the estate exactly 50 years ago, and they both gave their unwavering support to Middleton Stoney Cricket Club from the day they arrived, for which we will be eternally grateful.

For many years Julia was a regular at the pavilion on a summer Sunday evening, engaging with all who attended our matches, and helping to make it such a welcoming environment. Her kindness and generosity came to the fore when she encouraged the club to start hosting an afternoon tea at various local establishments, for the benefit of the wives and girlfriends of the players, to thank them for their support.

Although due to her illness we have not seen very much of Julia recently, we all took an interest in her wellbeing, and would often ask Nick how she was doing.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those Julia leaves behind, to her children Nick and Claire and their families. She will be sadly missed.

Julia’s funeral will be at 12.00 noon on Tuesday 9th May at All Saints Church.

Rest in peace Julia.

Kindest regards,

MSCC Chairman

Pre-season clean up at Middleton Stoney Cricket Club

Pre-season clean up: Sat April 8th

As the sleet continues to fall from slate grey skies it must be time for the club to wake up from its winter slumbers. Cricket is due to begin in less than five weeks time. Much needs to done to ready the ground and pavilion. In your fixture card you will have spotted that the task force day is Sunday April 9, Easter Sunday. This is possibly not the most convenient date. Therefore we have decided that the few days leading up to the Easter weekend will be days when work parties can be raised. 

Below is a list of some of the jobs that need to be done and some of the members who have already volunteered. Please look at the list and decide where you can help. Then go to the club members Whatsapp group and liaise to find a suitable time. 

Indoor tasks 

Cleaning Glassware, crockery and cutlery;               Andrew and Rona

Deep cleaning Fridges, Freezers and sinks              Tim H

Cobweb and spider removal                                       Mark F L

Polishing brass plaques on benches

Outdoor tasks

Square and outfield cutting, rolling, scarfying etc      Paul W, Tim R , P V K

Removal of leaf collection from toilet roofs                P V K

Replacement of broken roof panel                            P V K

Putting out the boundary rope

Roses and Dahlias                                                     Mark S

The big task

Pressure wash the sightscreens and put in place     Tim R

Thanks in advance for your help.

Tim R      

Kebabs with Kerkhof

Kebabs with Kerkhof

MSCC Pre Season Meal
Denis Restaurant – Sheep Street, Bicester
Friday 14th April 2023 – 7.30pm
£30 Each

• Turkish Meze Platter
Falafel Grilled Hellim Cheese, Kisir, Aubergine salad, Borek, Humus

1 • Mixed Grill
Lamb Chop, Köfte, Lamb and Chicken Sis, Served with Rice & Salad

2 • Chicken Breast
Grilled Chicken on a Potato Cake with Red Pepper & Thyme Sauce

3 • Lamb Shank
With Chive-Mashed Potatoes, Served with Fresh Vegetable Sauce.

4 • Mantar Gȕveҫ
Mushrooms Cooked in Clay dish with Onions and Herbs.

5 • Grilled Fillet of Sea Bass
With Dauphinoise Potatoes, Salad, Mushrooms & Lemon Sauce

Traditional Turkish Dessert: Made of Layers of Filo Pastry
Filled with Nuts and Sweetened with Syrup. Served with
Vanilla ice Cream

Crème Brûlèe
Served with Fresh Strawberry & Raspberry Sauce.

To book your place please e-mail Mike Simpson on [email protected] confirming your choice of Main Course and Pudding.
Please pay online to MSCC sort code: 51-70-15 account: 01820028
Please write “Meal” as your reference so that it does not get confused with Subs.

Middleton Stoney Flag at half-mast

RIP Clarissa Brent-Smith

Our Vice President Ian Brent-Smith has let us know that his dear wife Clarissa died last Wednesday after a protracted illness.  Her last visit to the Club ground was in 2021 when with Ian she watched the latter stages of a game on a beautiful summer evening. She enjoyed meeting old friends and for many it proved to be the last occasion she was seen there before she succumbed to the degenerative brain disorder.  To Ian and his family the Club sends our heartfelt sympathy.

In the mid-eighties Clarissa took a full part in the successful running of the Club, particularly in keeping alive our reputation for providing superb teas which, of course, has continued to this day. She was a great supporter of Ian and her graceful, friendly personality ensured that she was very well liked. Although not recorded in our fixture cards, our season in those days was not complete without the “Ladies Match’ and in this Clarissa joined in the general mirth displaying all round enthusiasm with bat and ball! We also held a few “black tie” dinner/dances in a large marquee erected opposite the pavilion, which provided great fun and were enjoyed by Ian and Clarissa.

Middleton Stoney Flag at half-mast

RIP Les Watkins

We regret to advise you all that Les Watkins (a Life Member of MSCC) has passed away. He lived in Middleton Stoney and until a few years ago he would come in his car and watch the matches from the far side of the field. He used to prepare the ground until Nick T took over and was also a team member for some time in the 1970s & 80s.

George & Georgina

Website launch MSCC 2022

Our new website is here

Welcome to our new website. We’ve kept the best features of the old site including all of our match reports, photos and important news events. A huge thanks to Tim R, Tim H and Andrew for helping Mark to move the content from the old site, no easy task with over 200 match reports to copy and paste!

We will inevitably have missed something whilst building and checking the new site so if you spot an error, please contact our website designer, Mark at [email protected] who will be able to put it right.

If you need a new website or someone to help with your digital marketing, Mark would be delighted to hear from you. Just send him an email or have a chat on a Sunday afternoon at Middleton Stoney where he’s a regular player.

MSCC Dinner and awards 2022

2022 Awards Dinner

Thank you to Tim House for arranging a splendid evening including top class food from chef Mark Apsey and his team from my’lkd.

After dinner we presented a series of well-deserved awards to the stars of 2022. In no particular order, the winners were:

President’s cup: Andrew Hickman,
Captain’s cup: Rona Hickman
Best batter: Harry Way
Best bowling: Tim Riley
Fielding performance: Matt Carpenter
Inspired performance in one game: M Simpson v Invalids
Best catch: Sam Norley
Best family team performance in one game: the Williams Family,
MVP 20/20 games: George Williams
Most loyal supporter: David Moorman

Middleton Stoney Flag at half-mast

RIP Ann Moorman

Sadly MSCC Vice-President Ann Moorman passed away on Monday.

Ann and her husband David have been our friends and stalwart supporters of MSCC for well over twenty years and have very regularly come to cheer us on and enjoy the day in Middleton Park.

Ann was Mother and Grandmother to two of our finest players Nick and Joe. Although she would still come and support the club even if neither of them were playing in the fixture.

All our kind thoughts and sympathy are sent to David, Nick and their families at this sad time.

Ann’s funeral is to be held at 2pm Tuesday 9th November at St Denys church, Stanford in the Vale.

Mike Simpson

Michael Martin photo of the year 2021 Seril Shah. THOUGHTS FROM OUTSIDE THE ROPE

MSCC award winners 2021

Congratulations to the winners of our various 2021 awards. They are:

President’s cup – Tim Riley

Captains award– Paul Wordsworth

Fielder of the year – Squiff Wordsworth

Catch of the season – Seril Shah

Most wickets – Mike Simpson

Most runs – Tim Riley

Most improved – Ben Breaker

Champagne moment – Simmo, Howard & Jamie recover from 47 for 8 to chase 137 and win by one wicket v Islip.

Crocheyed egg cup award for being the runner up in everything – George Williams

Michael Martin Photography Award – Seril Shah

If you were unable to attend the presentation then please contact Pete to arrange collection.

Well done everyone, a fabulous season and we look forward to doing it all again next year.

Middleton Stoney Flag at half-mast

Rest in Peace – Ian Davenport (MSCC President 1973-2021)

It is with great sadness that I inform you all that last night our long-standing President Ian Davenport passed away peacefully, with his wife Julia by his side.

Ian was the longest serving President Middleton Stoney Cricket Club has had, with a tenure of 48 years. His is a record that I do not believe will ever be exceeded, and for this and much more he will indeed be a very hard act to follow.

Ian’s generosity was immeasurable, both as our Landlord and President. Sharing their beautiful grounds and clubhouse with us, he and Julia supported countless matches over the years, enjoying seeing young players progress through the club, and becoming friends to so many. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Julia, Nick and Claire, and their wider families, at this sad time.

As a club we will hold a minute’s silence before the games this Friday evening and Sunday afternoon as a gesture of our respect. You will see from the photograph the club flag is now flying at half mast, and shall remain so until the day of the funeral.

Peter van de Kerkhof – Chairman