Category: News

Pre-season clean up at Middleton Stoney Cricket Club

Pre-season Preparation: Your Club Needs You!

This Saturday (April 6th) is our annual pre-season preparation day. We need your help! There are lots of jobs to be done and the more of us there are, the quicker we will be done. Official start time is 11:30 but some people are starting earlier at around 10:00. Here’s a selection of the jobs that need doing:

  • Benches move outside ( already oiled and brasses polished).
  • Set out and tidy/clean inside pavilion
  • Clear leaves from guttering and toilet roof (ideally with a blower if anyone has one?)
  • Clean windows of pavilion inside/out
  • Take cover off scorebox
  • Move sight screens into position and clean as required
  • Layout boundary rope (it’s inside the scorebox)
  • Weed paved area in front of pavilion
  • Put the flag up
  • Put Parking /speeding signs on corner and along drive
  • Clear debris and mow grass in front of pavilion, with hand rotary mower. Wash/wipe down the toilet doors

And finally if there is anything else you notice needs doing, please just do it!

Please be advised by Willy regarding what is required on the playing area, and use the appropriate equipment carefully. Early season damage can take a long time to repair.

Both the Skipper and Chairman will not be around, we have put in our hours in the weeks leading up to this.

Thank you!
The Committee

Kebabs with Kerkhof

MSCC Pre Season Meal 2024 – April 4th

MSCC Pre Season Meal 2024

Tandoori with Timothy

Thursday 4th April 2024 – 7pm – £30 per person

Shakil’s Restaurant
94 Sheep Street
OX26 6LP

Pappadums and Pickles
Mixed Selection of Starters
Main meal of your choice (not King Prawn)
served with rice and naan breads
Plenty of vegetarian options available

To book your places please confirm with Simmo and pay into the MSCC bank account in the usual way Ref: MEAL

[email protected]

Sort Code: 51 70 15
MSCC Account: 01820028


MSCC AGM 2023 7th Dec

The 2023 MSCC AGM will be held at 7pm on 7th December 2023 at the Middleton Stoney Village Hall.

The village hall will be accessible from 6:45pm to allow for a prompt start.

There will be no remote joining option, apologies.

The agenda is below and your attendance, votes and contributions are always appreciated by the committee.


  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of the 2022 AGM Minutes, held on 13.12.2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Reports
    a. Treasurer’s Report – See attached
    b. Captain’s Report
    c. Fixtures Secretary Report
  5. Election of Officers – Committee Recommendations
  6. Any Other Business
MSCC Photo of the Year 2023 Matt Dipple

MSCC Awards 2023

What a fantastic evening. The food was exceptional, service fantastic and the awards deserved.

Batsman’s award – Tim Riley
Bowlers award – Seril Shah,
Newcomer of the year- Anirudh Sharma
Young player of the year – James Lyon
Catch of the year – Stevyn Jackson,
Champagne moment – Howard Lancaster caught Paul Wordsworth bowled Finlay Moss,
Michael Martin Photography Award- Matt Dipple (above)
Captains award – Seril Shah
Presidents Cup – Paul Wordsworth.

A great evening, thank you everyone who attended, and get well soon for those who couldn’t make it.

Pete VanDe Kerkhof

Michael Martin photo of the year 2021 Seril Shah. THOUGHTS FROM OUTSIDE THE ROPE

Thoughts From Outside The Rope – August


For the purposes of this end of season newsletter, this should not be confused with the oft used interview question but rather how successful the 2023 Middleton Stoney cricket season has been seen from Outside the Rope.


If the only criteria for success was the win ratio, then this has been an outstanding season. Only 1 loss to date in Sunday cricket matches, 2 in T20’s and a defeat by the Australian touring side.  But winning can also be boring as many Formula 1 racegoers have found, so the close matches, sporting team selections and never taking yourselves too seriously has been much appreciated.


With Stuart Broad retiring at 37 we feared that some of our more experienced players might suffer from competitive fatigue and call it a day making it difficult to raise a team. Quite the reverse with MS players also competing in very successful over 60’s teams, becoming committed and expert ground maintenance crew and still finding the energy to coach and encourage other team members. At the start of the season, I commented on how the fridges were groaning with wine and beer. As the season progressed, the age profile of the team changed as did the ratio of pop to alcohol in the fridge.  If a measure of success is young people playing cricket and slightly older people occasionally playing the shots of their youth, then this was indeed a successful season.


2023 saw the return of an Australian touring side. Always good spirited and prodigious consumers, our eventual loss to the Victor Trumper XI was not unexpected.

Whilst it was not out of the ordinary for an Australian side to play at Middleton Park, when we saw the famous grounds and sides included in their tour of the UK it did make you wonder why us?  Yes, we’re friendly, close to Bicester Village and have a fish and chip van parked on the ground but was that enough for them to seek us out? Was our secret weapon the cricket tea? They may have been dining with the Duke of Rutland the next evening but who else served them Vegemite sandwiches, Anzac biscuits and Fairy Bread? If international recognition is a success criteria, then it was fully achieved in 2023.

‘The Traditional Cricket Tea Is Under Threat – 2023 was a terrible year to BBQ – No-one Watches Cricket anymore”.


It is easy to fudge success when measuring yourself, so listening to what the opposition says about you counts for something. Without fail, opposing teams have commented on the quantity and quality of the cricket tea provided each week. Many are surprised it still happens and how individual and beautifully laid out it is.  The break between innings has frequently overrun because they don’t want to leave anything but there has always been enough for social members to share and sometimes enough for lunch on a Monday.

Only once this season has there not been a BBQ due to inclement weather. The regular BBQ has drawn crowds not just because of the quality of the meat but to keep warm and teams have enjoyed the convivial post-match atmosphere to reflect on what might have been had they only made contact with the ball or not made contact with the ball.

Last but not least the opposing teams have been surprised and appreciative of the support they receive from the crowd that grows steadily through Sunday afternoon to evening. Acknowledging their good shots and applauding them off the field is for some teams unusual and they often comment on what a great club spirit there is in Middleton Stoney.


Definitely not a success this year. Whilst the produce exchange and sharing has been first class it has to be said that either tomatoes are scarce or are not being traded. Courgettes were big, soft fruit plentiful and even the occasional fig was spotted.


If the measure of a successful season is dreading the end of the season and already counting the weeks to the start of the next then you know you have cracked it.

Winter well.