Category: News

Michael Martin photo of the year 2021 Seril Shah. THOUGHTS FROM OUTSIDE THE ROPE

The Michael Martin Photography Award 2022

As we approach the end of our 2022 season, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the ‘Michael Martin Award’ which is awarded annually at the end of season dinner.

Michael was a great supported of our club and an avid photographer, you can see some of his photographs hanging inside the pavilion. In memory of Michael we have this annual photograph competition ( previous winners on display below the honours boards),

If you would like to enter this year’s competition please forward your entries ( max 3) to me at [email protected] by the 20/09/2022.

Jeannie Martin is looking forward to judging these ready for the presentation at our annual dinner on Saturday 24/09/2022.

Peter vdK

Club Chairman

Michael Martin photo of the year 2021 Seril Shah. THOUGHTS FROM OUTSIDE THE ROPE

MSCC award winners 2021

Congratulations to the winners of our various 2021 awards. They are:

President’s cup – Tim Riley

Captains award– Paul Wordsworth

Fielder of the year – Squiff Wordsworth

Catch of the season – Seril Shah

Most wickets – Mike Simpson

Most runs – Tim Riley

Most improved – Ben Breaker

Champagne moment – Simmo, Howard & Jamie recover from 47 for 8 to chase 137 and win by one wicket v Islip.

Crocheyed egg cup award for being the runner up in everything – George Williams

Michael Martin Photography Award – Seril Shah

If you were unable to attend the presentation then please contact Pete to arrange collection.

Well done everyone, a fabulous season and we look forward to doing it all again next year.

Cricket & Covid Update March 2021

With the vaccination programme going so well, we are finally seeing a road out of lockdown. The committee thought it would be useful to summarise where we are and what we can expect over the next few weeks and months in relation to the cricket season.

The road map released by government is a useful and positive step, further guidance on the return of recreational cricket is expected shortly (from the ECB) but at the moment we can at least begin to make some plans for the season.

Our fixtures are due to commence as per the fixture card which means we will be able to hold our President’s Game on April 18th following the guidelines. Prior to that we will also be able to have net practice in groups of 6 from Weds 31st March. Teas, use of changing rooms etc. won’t be back to normal until step 4 not before 21st June.

Before 29th March 2021: Stay at home, no nets or meeting at the ground.

Government Road Map – STEP 1

Government road map step 1

Step 1: 

29th March 2021 to 11th April 2021

Up to 6 people (2 Households) can meet outside. Organised grass roots sport can return, and we can run nets on a Wednesday evening for socially distanced groups of six. We have published a form online, as we did last year where players can sign up for a slot. You can sign up now via this link:


Last season’s adapted play COVID restrictions will apply e.g. no changing rooms, no showers, bring your own ball etc. Information will be updated once confirmed by the ECB.

Government Road Map – STEP 2

Step 2:

Not before 12th April 2021 to 16th May 2021 inclusive

During this period the rule of 6 (2 households) still applies yet outdoor hospitality i.e. beer gardens are allowed. We will try to run a bar service and meet the rule of 6 restrictions and will comply with government guidelines at all times. A lot of this will depend on how members respond to the committees call to “be a willing volunteer” as we can’t expect the bar secretary and the usual helpers to carry the entire burden. Restrictions such as only one person in the pavillion, no self serving honesty bar, plastic cups etc. will be required. UPDATE (22nd March) – Drinks are very unlikely to be served until after June 21st (Step 4 starts) as we are advised outdoor drinks can only be ordered by and served to seated people.

We will be bringing our own teas and eating outside at this stage. Changing rooms will still be unavailable. The ECB will advise on rules relating to playing but assume they will be broadly similar to last year e.g. sanitiser every 6 overs etc.

Government Road Map – STEP 3

Government covid roadmap step 3

Step 3:

Not Before 17th May to 20th June 2021 inclusive

The Rule of 6 is abolished and 30 people can meet outdoors. This should make running a bar outside easier and although two households will now be able to meet indoors, we would anticipate sticking with an outdoor bar only for ease. Appropriate social distancing will also be required.

We will continue to bring our own teas and eat outside at this stage. Changing rooms will still be unavailable. The ECB will advise on rules relating to playing but assume they will be broadly similar to last year e.g. sanitiser every 6 overs etc. UPDATE (22nd March) – Drinks are very unlikely to be served until after June 21st (Step 4 starts) as we are advised outdoor drinks can only be ordered by and served to seated people.

Government Road Map – STEP 4

Government covid roadmap step 4

Step 4:

Not before 21st June 2021

All legal limits on social contact will be removed and we return to normal (subject to review). The first home game after this date is against Blue Lion on June 27th at which point we will be able to use the bar as normal. Playing conditions should also be back to normal. We will make sure a tea rota is in place so that members can take their turn providing the teas to the end of the season.


We hope that’s been useful to everyone, especially those who have been asking questions related to Covid and cricket. Everything here is of course subject to the government or the ECB changing their advice but let’s hope it really is a path back to normal.

Please remember, we will all need to continue to play our part for a short while longer and continue to adhere to social distancing restrictions and guidance. I’m sure you will all do your part.

Mark Ford-Langstaff – Team Secretary

MSCC pre-season dinner

2020 annual dinner and awards

The winners of our annual awards are:

Batsman of the year: Tim Riley

Bowler of the year: Tim Riley

Fielder of the year: Jamie Lumb

Catch of the year: George Williams

President’s Cup: Mark Ford-Langstaff and Tim House

Captain’s Cup: Richard Lumb

Congratulations to you all!

Return to play post covid

Cricket to restart – advice and documents

Whilst we welcome the return of cricket to our lives post covid (hopefully), we have a duty as a club to make available the information required to make this a safe return. 

We would ask that all members, players and our opponents make themselves aware of the guidelines which are linked to below.

Track & Trace 

The government requires us to collect the contact details of EVERYONE (not just players) who comes to the ground when a match is taking place. Forms will be available on the day but it would be of help if you could complete the form prior to attending. A box will be provided for your completed form. We will not use the details collected for any purpose other than track & trace, should it help the government and NHS prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please download and complete the form here:

Track & Trace Form (link removed)

Of primary importance is that visitors to the ground must screen themselves for COVID-19 symptoms before coming and should not leave their homes if they are displaying symptoms. You can assess yourself against the government guidelines here

Social distancing must be maintained whilst at the ground and to that end we suggest you bring your own seat as there will not be enough space for all on our benches. 

Please read the following documents:

ECB Return to Cricket Plan

ECB Plan for Socially Distanced Cricket

MSCC Covid-19 Risk Assessment 

Other things to remember as per ECB guidelines:

  • Arrive changed
  • Bring your own tea/drinks
  • The ball will be sanitised every 6 overs
  • Minimum contact with the ball – return direct to the bowler
  • No saliva to be used on the ball
  • No clothing to be handed to the umpire
  • The pavillion will be closed except for authorised access e.g. to use first aid
  • The toilet will be available but must be cleaned after use using the products supplied

Thank you for your support.

Mark Ford-Langstaff

rainbow over middleton stoney cricket club

MSCC Annual Quiz 2020

Our annual pub quiz this evening had a brilliant new question-setting team of David Lewis & Matt Dipple.

The 2020 champions, by one point, are the Competitive Streakers, led by Richard Lumb with George Lamb, Andrew & Rona Hickman, and club skipper Simon Lee.


MSCC quiz champions 2020
MSCC pre-season dinner

MSCC Awards Dinner 2019

And the winners are..

Young Player of the Year: George Williams

Catch of the Season 2019: Rob Barton, off the bowling of Elliot Barton v Simmons CC, 25 August

Fielder of the Year 2019: Tim House

Bowler of the Year 2019: Simon Pettit. 30 wickets

Batsman of the Year 2019: Tim Riley. 704 runs

All-Rounder of the Year 2019: Tim Riley. 704 runs, 10 wickets, 7 catches, 4 stumpings

Michael Martin Award 2019: Tim Cranston

Captain’s Cup 2019: Chris Greer

Champagne Moment of the Year 2019: Middleton Stoney CC v Melbourne Cricket Club XXIX, 9 August. Tim House’s game-changing catch, off the bowling of Tim Cranston, to dismiss MCC captain Sam Harper

President’s Cup 2019: Tim Cranston

MSCC Michael Martin Photo of the Year 2018

Annual dinner and awards night 2018

Many thanks to Jim Watson, Social Secretary, and to all who came to the pavilion for two glorious events yesterday, the Thank You Tea for Tea-Makers and the End of Season Dinner. 

Thanks also to the Chairman, Peter Van de Kerkhof, for presiding, and to Tim House, the club’s vice-captain, and fellow committee members, Simon Pettit (Fixture Secretary) and Tim Cranston (Treasurer), who all helped Jim and his Bruern Abbey team on the night. We missed the President, Ian Davenport, and the previous Chairman, John Deeley, who were not able to join us but we raised a glass to them.

Photos of the afternoon and evening events can be seen here: 

2018 Season Awards – Middleton Stoney Cricket Club 

Captain’s Cup 2018

Tim House

President’s Cup 2018

Simon Pettit

Michael Martin Award 2018

Mark Ford-Langstaff

Newcomer of the Year 2018

Rob Barton

Most Improved Player of the Year 2018

Mark Ford-Langstaff

Batsman of the Year 2018

Nick Moorman

555 runs

A Hat-Trick of Centuries

Nick Moorman in successive innings

112 v Blue Lion, 1 July 2018

110 v Banbury, 8 July 2018

119* v The Cricket Society, 22 July 2018

Bowler of the Year 2018

Simon Pettit

28 wickets

Fielder of the Year 2018

Mark Ford-Langstaff  

12 catches & a run out with a direct hit from the boundary

Catch of the Year 2018

Tim Cranston

Run Out of the Year 2018

Tim House

Ground Fielding of the Year 2018

Martin Randall

Champagne Moment of the Year 2018

Middleton Stoney CC v Oxenford

Away at Keble, Oxford, 4 July

George Williams’s 6

George Williams is here presented by @paradoxbridge with his award for the Champagne Moment of the 2018 Season & is congratulated by George Lamb in front of the photo of earlier heroics by the two Georges in saving a game. Now George Williams can win a game in the dark with a 6.

Middleton Stoney Cricket Club Pavilion

MSCC Pre-season clean up day 2018

Please join Groundsmen Nick Thompson and Alan Brooks for the MSCC pre-season clean up sessions.  All ‘muscle’ greatly appreciated to help spring clean the pavilion and its surroundings.

The clean-up days will be Sat 7nd April (backup Sat 14th April) – both with a 10:00 am prompt start.

*  *  *

The Loo floors have been repainted and the frozen pipes that leaked have been repaired.

Simon Petit has already power washed the sightscreens.

Unfortunately, the sink water heater is non-operational at present but is being looked at.

The wet and cold winter has been dispiriting but the grass is growing and our first match is on 22nd April, just 2 weeks away! 

Looking forward to seeing everyone this Saturday. 

Nick & Alan 

MSCC Pre Season Tasks

1. Sightscreens need powerwash clean (done courtesy Simon Petit)

2. Teak oil to Benches and slip cradle

3. Clear Gutters front and back

4. Brush leaves off Loo roof  x 2 and strongroom roof

5. Hoover Bar area and 2 changing rooms

6. Clear path and undergrowth behind Pavilion

7. Cricket net – renew netting (done 2017)

8. Sweep artificial net surface

9. Put up MSCC Flag

10. Check and clean Scoreboard

11. Clean BBQ

12. Clean refurbished Loos (male and female)

      i.     Secure plastic seats

13. Check Tea Urn working

14. Glasses & Crockery cleaning

15. Consider laying plastic mesh sections over grass (en route to loos)