Our annual preparation for the season will be over the weekend of March 29th & 30th. We need your help!
There are lots of jobs to be done and the more of us that turn up, the quicker everything will get done. Official start time is 11:30 but some people are starting earlier at around 10:00. Here’s a selection of the jobs that need doing:
- Benches move outside ( already oiled and brasses polished).
- Cleaning the bbq. Andrew has already volunteered for this.
- Set out and tidy/clean inside pavilion
- Cleaning and sanitising fridges and freezers
- Washing glassware
- Clear leaves from guttering and toilet roof (ideally with a blower if anyone has one?)
- Clean windows of pavilion inside/out
- Washing down and mould removal from the walls of both toilets
- Take cover off scorebox
- Move sight screens into position and clean as required (please bring a power washer)
- Layout boundary rope (it’s inside the scorebox)
- Weed paved area in front of pavilion
- Put the flag up
- Cleaning the bits of the flagpole the Chairman cannot reach
- Put Parking /speeding signs on corner and along drive
- Clear debris and mow grass in front of pavilion, with hand rotary mower. Wash/wipe down the toilet doors
And finally if there is anything else you notice needs doing, please just do it!
Most of the work on the square and outfield is in hand, the dry weather has been beneficial. If required, use the appropriate equipment carefully. Early season damage can take a long time to repair.
Plenty of hours have already been put in over the weeks leading up to this, make sure you do your bit.
And finally… the hardest workers get selected first.
Thank you!
The Committee