We have nearly 50 members and whilst many only want to play 2 or 3 times a season, inevitably we have to disappoint some people when it comes to selection. We have to consider members first and people are picked based on matching the oppositions’ strength but also how much they help out with tasks such as preparing the ground, doing the BBQ and running the bar. We ask for members to be very much hands on in their support for the club. Membership is granted after a minimum of three appearances and is voted on at our end of season AGM. We don’t do winter nets as things stand but we will have pre-season nets at the ground from early April weather permitting. Keep an eye on the website for announcements.
To become a member please get in touch via our contact form.
Club Subscriptions
Playing Members: £35
Junior (up to 18yrs) and Student Playing Members: £10
Vice Presidents: £25
Social Members: £25
Subs can be paid via personal cheque (made payable to “MSCC”) over the bar on match days or via bank transfer. Please contact Andrew Hickman for bank transfer details via our contact form.
£10 (Junior £5). Includes tea.
T20: £7.50 (adult & junior).
History of Middleton Stoney Cricket Club
Middleton Park was the Seat of the Earls of Jersey between 1748 and 1946. The House was demolished in 1934 to make way for a Lutyen’s designed replacement completed in 1938. This major project interrupted the time honoured custom of “Country House Cricket” which flourished throughout “the Golden Age” of the game at many of the Great Houses of England, and in order to preserve the continuity of cricket in the Park, Middleton Stoney village was encouraged to form a club to make use of the outstandingly beautiful ground and pavilion. Thus, MSCC was founded in 1934.
The first recorded match on the ground, Middleton Stoney v. Lord Jersey’s Servants took place in 1801 and the name “Middleton Stoney” was probably given to the team raised by the 5th Earl although he did not succeed his father until 1805. The 7th Earl (1845 – 1915), a passionate sportsman who would not employ any servant unless he could play cricket or football, was the first President of the Amateur Athletic Association, and in 1894 President of MCC. One former employee is quoted thus “he had professionals down to coach his team in the summer, and I often played cricket five days a week.” During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries historically famous names would have played at Middleton either for or against Lord Jersey’s teams. The scorecard of a match in 1913 records that the two leading leg-break and googly bowlers in the world played for Lord Jersey. They were B.J.T. Bosanquet (the inventor of the googly) – England, and R.O. Schwarz – South Africa. It is likely that “W.G.” himself would have turned out at Middleton in the course of his long and illustrious career.

Memories and Extras
“Memories & Extras” was compiled in 2001 when 200 years of cricket in Middleton Park was celebrated on Saturday 30th June. It is a collection of various memories and musings on various aspects of the cricket club with contributions from 14 different writers. You can download it and read it at your leisure by clicking on the image below.